

Visit of Mr. Thomas Dermine

Eumedica opens its doors!

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Dermine 2Eumedica recently had the honor of welcoming Mr. Thomas Dermine, Secretary of State for Economic Recovery and Strategic Investments, in charge of Science Policy, assistant to the Minister for the Economy and Labor, as well as Mrs. Sophie Pécriaux and Mr. Laurent Devin (Members of Parliament for the Walloon Region and the Parliament of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation), accompanied by the municipal authorities of Manage and in particular its Mayor Mr. Pozzoni.



Dermine 1These visits provided an opportunity to present the scope of Eumedica’s activities and the various development projects underway. They were all very appreciative of our mission, to ensure that essential pharmaceutical products remain available to healthcare professionals and their patients.

The guests were also able to discover Eumedica’s infrastructures and the wide range of services it offers to major pharmaceutical companies worldwide. The rich exchanges held with the teams illustrated the expertise developed by the company over more than 37 years.

ESCMID Global 2024

ESCMID Global 2024

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ESCMID Global 2024 is over and we want to thank all the participants for this great edition.

Once again, this congress provided a perfect opportunity to raise awareness, share knowledge and develop highly valuable relationships with key healthcare professionals.

It was a pleasure to meet you on-site and we are now looking forward to developing and following up on all the discussed topics!


ESCMID Global 2024

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This year we will be in Barcelona for the upcoming ESCMID Global, the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases.

This event will be an excellent opportunity to meet healthcare professionals and experts in the field of clinical microbiology and infectiology.
It will also be a special edition for Eumedica as we will unveil a brand new booth!

Come and join us on site from the 27th till the 30th of April at the Fira Gran Via (North Access) Hall 7, Stand E30


CPhI 2023

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This congress is always a perfect place to get in touch with most of our partners from all around the world, follow-up on current activities and develop new contacts/business opportunities.

This year was also special as we had an ice cream stand on our booth, because who said that business couldn’t be combined with pleasure? 🍦

Thanks to all of you who joined us on site, we are looking forward to developing all opportunities discussed together and see you next year!

Eumedica Pharmaceuticals - your partner in pharma product distribution

ECCMID – 33rd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases

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Copenhagen was the theater of an eventful 2023 ECCMID edition for Eumedica!

Indeed, with nearly 15.000 participants joining the event this year, agendas were fully booked, giving our teams the opportunity to take part to innumerous constructive meetings with different KOLs and doctors from various countries.

Known for its scientific focus, the “European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases” offered different sessions of symposiums, presentations and meetings, all led at a high level of education during the 4 days.

As a result of all these exchanges, a clear sense of interest was felt for our portfolio of therapeutic solutions in the infectious diseases area.

It is now time to focus on the follow-up of these new opportunities and build the future together!



CPhI 2022

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This year’s CPhI event has ended, and it has been a very dynamic and productive fair.

After the recent pandemic, it was great of being able to finally meet our partners face to face and explore new development opportunities.

It is now time to follow up on all these projects and build the future together.

We want to thank all participants and hope to see you next year!


Eumedica Warehouse site

Warehouse extension

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It is with great joy that, after 2 years of building, we can announce the launch of our new warehouse extension!
This significant development will allow us to optimize our distribution processes and grow our capacity by 50%.

Here are a few key numbers:
15600 sqm total ground surface (+5400 sqm increase).
+9100 pallets in total (+3800 increase).
+1250sqm state-of-the-art new secondary packaging classified area.

We are proud of this new milestone and we look forward to use this new tool to build a successful future.

Eumedica Pharmaceuticals - your partner in pharma product distribution

ECCMID – 32nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases

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Like every year, we joined ECCMID, the world’s premier congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases event.

Taking into consideration the current evolution of the antimicrobial resistances all around the globe we are proud of being an active contributor in this important battle.

We want to thank all of you who joined us on site, it was a pleasure being able to meet again face to face, discuss new potential developments and further opportunities.

Let’s stay connected and see you next year!


Eumedica Pharmaceuticals - your partner in pharma product distribution

International Day of Women and Girls in Science – Meet Sandra Callens, our Senior QU Specialist

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Over the past years, many global efforts have inspired and engaged women and girls in science. Yet there are many opportunities to improve to include women in participating in science to the full extent of their abilities.

Today, we celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, initiated by the United Nations General Assembly to draw attention to the gender imbalance and raise awareness of women and girls’ essential contribution to science and technology.

As an international pharmaceutical company, Eumedica welcomes women and girls worldwide to lead innovation, research and to inspire others to choose science as a career. And today, we are delighted to introduce Sandra Callens, our Senior QU Specialist.

Sandra, why did you choose to study science and how did it influence your career path?

It really started in high school where I felt more affinity with the world of science and mathematics. As time went on, I became more and more interested in the pharmaceutical industry and how it works. That’s why I studied Biochemistry in Leuven with a specialisation in pharmaco-technology. During my degree, I was able to experience life in the laboratory and, among other things, work on a yeast DNA sequencing project. From this, I understood that my place was elsewhere. It was at another level that I wanted to contribute to the treatment of patients in need.

So I started my professional career in quality assurance in a distribution centre of a pharmaceutical company where I ensured the supply of medicines to patients. One thing led to another, I built my career in QA and joined Eumedica 10 years ago. I am proud to work in this field and I always keep in mind that behind a medicine there is a patient. In the end, that’s what I go to work for every day.

Do you think enough is being done to promote women in science ?

As a woman in the scientific world, I have noticed different approaches compared to male colleagues. I have the feeling that you always have to prove yourself a bit more. Now, I think that the situation has changed over the years and that taboos have been broken. I think that women are beginning to get more room in this sector.

The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is definitely an initiative I support. To be honest, I didn’t know we celebrated this until Eumedica promoted it a few years ago. I think  It is important to talk about it and to continue to open the debate so that things can evolve positively.

What is the ratio of men to women at Eumedica and what do you think of the place of women ?

There is almost perfect equality between male and female workers in this company. Since I have worked here, I have never felt any difference in treatment because I am a woman. Everyone is recruited for their skills and personality alone. Male or female, it makes no difference. We have mixed teams at both administrative and operational levels. Even more, over the last 5 years, two women have taken on the role of Managing Directors. This proves that women are given the chance to fill roles of high responsibility.

What advice would you give to young women thinking about a career in research or science?

My advice would be simple: follow your dream! If you are interested in a career as a scientist, don’t stop at the few prejudices that still exist. Things are changing and you can be an important part of that evolution!

vue complete de la phase 6

A year later…

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It’s already been a year since we announced the construction of our new facility in Manage. And what an incredible journey it has been ! From the excavation works to the assembly of storage racks, we’ve seen this 3000sqm warehouse grow up so fast. We can’t wait to make the best of it and extend our customers’ satisfaction thanks to our state-of-the-art standards of services, flexibility and know-how gained throughout the years.